How to Activate Address Auto Complete in the SellKit Checkout Form

Activating the Address Auto Complete feature in your SellKit Checkout Form can significantly streamline the checkout process for your customers. This feature, powered by Google's Places API, suggests address options as a customer types, reducing entry errors and saving time. Here’s how to enable this functionality:

Step-by-Step Activation Guide

  1. Navigate to the Checkout Form widget to start editing.

    Locate the Address Autocomplete Section:

  2. In the Edit Checkout Form interface, find the Address Autocomplete section and expand it.

    Enable Google Address Autocomplete:

  3. Toggle the switch next to Google Address Autocomplete to Enable.
  4. This will allow the display of automated address suggestions during the entry of shipping/billing addresses.

    Activate Additional Features (Optional):

  5. Auto-populate State: When enabled, the state field will automatically be filled after the address is selected.
  6. State And City Lookup By Postcode: Activating this option will autofill the city and state based on the postcode entered.

Obtaining a Google Places API Key

  1. You need to have a Google Places API key to utilize the Address Autocomplete feature.
  2. Go to the Google Cloud Platform Console and create a new project or select an existing one.
  3. Navigate to the API & Services > Library.
  4. Search for 'Google Places API Web Service' and enable it.
  5. Go to the 'Credentials' section and click on 'Create credentials' to get your API key.
  6. After entering your API key, click the Update button at the bottom of the Edit Checkout Form page to apply your changes.

Important Notes

  • Ensure that your Google Places API key is not restricted to a specific IP address, as this might interfere with its functionality on your website.
  • Be aware of the usage limits and billing for the Google Places API to avoid unexpected charges.
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