Dynamic Discount Analytics

SellKit provides an intuitive analytics feature for users to track the performance of their dynamic discounts. This allows for a strategic overview of discount campaigns, helping to fine-tune marketing strategies and improve sales. Below, we walk through the Dynamic Discount Analytics dashboard as depicted in the provided screenshot.

Accessing Dynamic Discount Analytics

  1. Navigate to the SellKit Dashboard: Start by logging into your WordPress admin panel and navigating to the SellKit sidebar menu.
  2. Select the dynamic discount you want to analyze.
  3. Go to Analytics: Click on the Analytics tab at the top. Here, you can observe the performance of selected dynamic discount.

Understanding the Analytics Dashboard

The Analytics page is divided into several sections:

  • Applied Discount: Shows the number of times the discount was applied within the selected date range.
  • Converted: Indicates the number of transactions that resulted from the applied discounts.
  • Conversion Rate: This is a percentage that represents the ratio of conversions to applied discounts.
  • Revenue: Total revenue generated from orders where a discount was applied.
  • Total Discounts: The cumulative value of discounts applied to orders.
  • Customers: The number of unique customers who received the discount.

Analyzing the Graph

The analytics dashboard also includes a graph that visualizes the data over time. Clicking on each metric will reveal its graph over the selected timeframe.

Using the Data

  • Assess Campaign Effectiveness: With the conversion rate and revenue figures, assess the effectiveness of your dynamic discounts.
  • Make Informed Decisions: Determine if the discount should be adjusted in value, duration, or targeting based on the analytics.
  • Customer Insights: Understanding how many customers are taking advantage of the discounts can provide insights into customer behavior and preferences.
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